How To Hit Your Irons Pure

How To Hit Your Irons Pure

2 minute read

In this next installment of our "Golf Swing Tips" series, Coach Mike Labella helps you learn how to hit your irons pure by focusing on low point control. 

Low Point Control

In golf, striking irons pure is one of the most important fundamentals to master. Proper low point control is key to achieving this. To help you with this, we're going to introduce a drill that you can practice to improve your game.

Draw a Line

To begin, Mike has painted a line on the ground where the ball will be placed. The goal is to strike the ball first and then take the divot after the ball. This will ensure that you are hitting the ball with a downward strike and compressing it against the ground.

Striking Your Irons Pure Drill

To start the drill, stand at the line with your weight loaded on your left side, your hands in line with your right pocket, and the clubhead above your hands. As you swing back, rotate through and extend out, ensuring that your weight stays on your left side. The key is to release your hands at thigh level, ensuring that your hands and clubhead remain above the line on the ground.

After practicing this motion a few times, you can move on to hitting some small shots on the range, using the same technique. Aim for shots that are 20 to 50 yards long, with the goal of hitting the ball first and taking the divot after.

Once you've practiced this drill for a while, it's time to try it out on a full swing shot. Set up at the line, shift your weight to the left side, and use the same technique as you did in the practice shots. The result should be a divot that is well to the left of the line on the ground.

If you have any questions about this drill, don't hesitate to reach out. Practicing this drill regularly will help you to strike your irons more purely and improve your golf game overall.

Want More Golf Swing Tips?

  1. How To Stop Chunking The Ball
  2. Fade vs. Draw Drill
  3. How To Chip Without Duffing

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