How To Fix A Hook

How To Fix A Hook

3 minute read

If you're a golfer who struggles with hooks—those shots that veer dramatically to the left for right-handed players—you're not alone. Hooking the ball can be frustrating, but there's good news. There's a straightforward practice routine that can help you correct your swing and get rid of that pesky hook for good. Let's dive in.

Set Up Your Practice Station

Firstly, let's set up a practice station to focus your efforts. You'll need two rods or alignment sticks for this:

  1. Ball Flight Rod: Place one rod far out in front of you, sticking upright into the ground. This will act as your reference point for the direction you want the ball to travel.

  2. Exit Rod: Place the second rod about halfway between you and the Ball Flight Rod. Angle this rod at about 45 degrees, facing you. This rod is your exit guide, helping you direct where your club will go post-impact.

Understand the Problem

The primary reason you're hooking the ball is that your hands are moving in an "out and then in" path, causing the club face to flip over. With shorter clubs, this results in pushes, but with longer clubs, it's the reason you're hooking. Timing and ball position in your stance can also play a role in this.

The Correction Mantra: "Ball Right, Club Left"

Your objective is to get the ball to launch to the right of the Ball Flight Rod and have your club exit to the left of the Exit Rod. Simply put, you need to think "ball right, club left."

The Swing Adjustment

  1. Start with Three-Quarter Swings: To embed the correct motion into your muscle memory, begin with shorter, three-quarter swings. This will help you focus on the specific elements you need to change without getting overwhelmed.

  2. Go Back Halfway: Pull your club back just halfway during your backswing, which will help you control your swing path more efficiently.

  3. Hit the Shot: Execute the swing with the aim of getting the ball to launch to the right of the Ball Flight Rod.

  4. Follow the Exit Rod: As you follow through, make sure your club is passing under the Exit Rod. The butt of the club should be following the line of your belt buckle throughout the swing.

  5. Check the Finish: At the end of your swing, the butt of the club should be pointing at your left hip if you've executed everything correctly.

Practice Makes Perfect

As with anything, practice is key to improvement. This practice station provides a tangible and effective way to visualize your swing path and correct the dreaded hook.

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