How to Shallow Out Your Golf Swing

How to Shallow Out Your Golf Swing

Josey Orr
2 minute read

Are you tired of those frustrating slice patterns in your golf swing? In this video from our Golf Swing Tips series, Coach Rob shows you how to shallow out your swing and helps you understand what leads to the over the top move. 

Understanding the Over-the-Top Swing

As golf coaches, we often see players struggle with an over-the-top swing. This issue usually arises for two main reasons:

  1. Over-reliance on shoulder strength: When players depend too much on their shoulders, their first move is to use the upper body to strike the ball, leading to slice patterns.
  2. Excessive shallowing during the backswing: Attempting to get the club too shallow and behind them during the backswing forces players to compensate during the swing through, also causing slice patterns.

The Wall Drill: A Simple Solution for Shallowing Out Your Swing

To overcome these challenges, try the Wall Drill. This easy and effective exercise can help you shallow out your backswing and downswing, reducing the chances of swinging over the top. Here's how to do it:

  1. Find a suitable wall: Choose a wall with padding if possible, as you'll be using it gently during the exercise.
  2. Position yourself: Stand with your feet about 10-12 inches away from the wall.
  3. Start your backswing: Gently swing the golf club back so it touches the top of your backswing.
  4. Trace the club down the wall: Slowly trace the club down the wall until your hands are even with your hips.
  5. Swing through: Complete the swing through while keeping the club in contact with the wall.

By practicing the Wall Drill regularly, you can develop a shallower golf swing that minimizes over-the-top motion and results in a more consistent and accurate game.


Perfecting your golf swing requires patience and practice, but with the Wall Drill, you're on the right path to shallowing out your swing and eliminating those pesky slice patterns. Give this drill a try and watch as your golf game improves, shot by shot.

Want More Golf Swing Tips?

  1. How To Stop Chunking The Ball
  2. Fade vs. Draw Drill
  3. How To Chip Without Duffing

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