How To Chip Without Duffing

How To Chip Without Duffing

Josey Orr
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In golf, chipping can be one of the most challenging shots for many players. There's nothing worse than hitting that high launch draw off the tee and then duffing your chip shot immediately afterward. In the second episode of Golf Swing Tips with Coach Mike, he teaches you how to make better contact when chipping and how to avoid the dreaded duff shot.


First and foremost, it's crucial to evaluate the lie of the ball. Is it in the rough, uphill, downhill, sitting up, or sitting down? Understanding the lie will help determine the right approach and strategy for your chip shot. If the lie is in the fairway, for instance, it is considered ideal.


Once you have assessed the lie, the next step is to determine the loft of the club you want to use. For example, if you are playing a downhill shot, you would want to keep the ball low and let it roll. Thus, a pitching wedge could be the right club to use for this specific shot.

If you want to hit a softer, higher shot, you'd want to use a club with more loft, like a 58 degree wedge. 

It's important to note that using a higher lofted club may not be ideal in all situations.


The third factor to consider is the landing spot of the ball. The amount of "roll" your ball gets depends on what loft of club you're using, so factor that into your choice of landing spot. 


One of the most critical elements of chipping is engaging the bounce. If you place the ball too far backward in your stance, the leading edge of the club will become like a knife through hot butter, causing it to get stuck in the ground.

Additionally, keeping the ball further back in your stance may result in hitting low running shots that never check up.

To avoid this, make sure to position the ball in the middle of your stance and engage the bounce.

Avoid This Grip Mistake

The grip is another crucial factor to consider. A common mistake many golfers make is holding the club too tightly, resulting in a closed or inside clubface. Instead, try rotating your right hand a little more on top of the club, which will engage the bounce and help bring the face more toe up.

Rotate To The Target

Finally, make sure to rotate and finish with your chest towards the target, brushing the ground as you do so. By getting your body in the right positions from the start, you can improve your chances of executing a successful chip shot.

In summary, when chipping, it's essential to evaluate the lie of the ball, determine the loft of the club, and identify the landing spot. Engaging the bounce, positioning the ball in the middle of your stance, and having the right grip are also crucial factors to consider. With the right approach and strategy, you can avoid common mistakes like duffing the ball and improve your chances of success.

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