Do you struggle with short putts? Try this putting tip.

Do you struggle with short putts? Try this putting tip.

3 minute read

Today we're focused on one of the most essential aspects of golf: putting. Recently, Coach Rob worked with a player who was struggling with close putts, and the lessons learned from that encounter might just help your game as well. If you're searching for effective putting tips, then you're in the right place!

Why Your Putts Might be Going Off Course

In our recent golf lesson, we used slow-speed video to dissect the player's putting technique. The primary culprit for his missed putts was a slight wiggle or wobble in his hands at impact. You may already be aware that even the tiniest disturbance can cause the clubface to open or close, throwing your putts off-line. That's exactly what happened in this case, and the solution we came up with might surprise you.

Introducing the Left Hand Low Practice Routine

We introduced our player to a new practice routine where he would putt with his left hand low. This technique involves swapping the positions of your hands on the grip, which for right-handed players means placing your left hand below the right. This approach led to a smooth, straight back and straight through swing every time, helping eliminate the wobble in his grip.

Keep in mind that our player didn't adopt this grip for actual gameplay. However, practicing with the left hand low helped him achieve more stability. He would execute one practice putt with this technique, feel the stability, then switch back to his conventional grip to execute the actual putt.

Embrace the Unfamiliar

While practicing left hand low might feel strange initially, give it time. It's perfectly fine if it feels a little weird at first. Our player also prefers the conventional grip, but the practice routine of using his left hand low allowed him to minimize the impact of hand movements, leading to more confident strokes. Gradually, he was able to eliminate the wobble in his hands, and his putting improved significantly.

Try it for Yourself

So, if you've been facing issues with your putting, why not give our advice a go? Get onto the practice green, and try putting a few balls with your left hand low. Feel the straight back, straight through motion and see how it influences your conventional grip and stroke. It could have a significant positive impact on your putting!

These putting tips, tricks, and tactics are here to help you make more putts. The key lies in embracing new techniques and sticking with them until they yield results.

Thanks for tuning into Easier Golfing. We're dedicated to improving your game, so stay tuned for more insightful tips and advice. See you on the greens!

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